


Gamification, Serious Games, Accounting Education, Skillset


This research explores students’ skillset development with the introduction of a gamified discipline in an Accounting undergraduate program. We conducted a survey with 118 accounting students enrolled on the last semester from a large public University in Brazil. Using a quantitative approach, the research results indicate that students consider that many skills have been developed during the gamified discipline, such as: curiosity, leadership, initiative, persistence, adaptability, collaboration and critical thinking. The familiarity with tools used in the online game context and the perception of usability of the software used for this gamification experience were positively and significant correlated with the perception of the development of these skills. Despite these positive finds, some students did not like the excess of competition in the course and the random process of the software. These findings contribute to the academic literature and to educators who are interested in introducing gamified strategies in the classroom.


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Como Citar

de Oliveira Durso, S., Reginato, L., & Cornacchione, E. (2020). GAMIFICATION IN ACCOUNTING AND STUDENTS’ SKILLSET. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, 1(3), 079–100.

