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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is in accordance with the "Submission Record".
  • The manuscript met all the criteria defined in "Guidelines for Authors".
  • When submitting an article for evaluation, the authors undertake to, after its publication for publication, present the manuscript in the two published by the ASAA Journal (Portuguese and English) within the approved deadline, with the authors responsible for the cost and quality assurance. of the manuscript translation.

Author Guidelines


Registration in the system and subsequent access, through login and password, are mandatory for the submission of works, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process. Access an existing account or Register a new account.

Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify submission compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

Submission Rules

1. Manuscripts submitted to the ASAA Journal must be unpublished, that is, they must not have been submitted for publication in another journal in parallel. If they are works that have already been published in annals of events and congresses, it is necessary to indicate the name, place and date of the event so that, if the article is accepted, this information will also be published.

2. Authors must not submit the manuscript to another journal or conference, that is, once submitted to the ASAA Journal, authors must commit to awaiting the evaluation of the result so that, if not approved, they can submit it to another journal.

3. When submitting the manuscript, all authors and co-authors must be informed, and subsequent changes are not allowed.

4. If authors withdraw the evaluation manuscript, it cannot be resubmitted to the ASAA Journal.

5. Articles can be published in up to two languages: Portuguese or English.

6. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the ASAA Journal website. Upon submission, authors will receive automatic confirmation from the ASAA Journal.

7. Under no circumstances can the manuscript be identified, either in the body of the text or in file properties.

8. When submitting an article for review in the ASAA Journal, all authors and co-authors undertake to review up to 3 (three) articles by other authors, in the Double Blind Review system.

9. If the submitted manuscript is the result of research financed by an institution or funding agency, the acknowledgments to these institutions should only be informed in the system, in a supplementary document or after the evaluation result, not appearing in the submitted manuscript, so that neutrality of the manuscript evaluation process is guaranteed.

10. By submitting their manuscripts for publication in the ASAA Journal, authors agree to the following terms:

11. The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, in accordance with the licensing criteria adopted by the ASAA Journal, such as the Creative Commons Attribution, which allows the sharing of work with recognition of authorship and initial publication. These licenses allow others to distribute, remix, adapt or create derivative works, even for commercial use, as long as credit is given for the original creation;

12. Authors are not entitled to financial compensation in any capacity for works published in the ASAA Journal;

13. The content and information contained in articles published in the ASAA Journal are the sole responsibility of the authors;

14. The manuscript must not contain plagiarism;

15. After approval of the manuscript, the authors will be identified in each article, with their institution and full address.

Guidelines for authors

  1. The manuscript file must not contain any identification of the authors or their affiliation institutions, under penalty of rejection of the submission.
  2. Authors must follow the highest ethical standards in scientific publication.
  3. A supplementary document must also be submitted as a Cover Sheet, in a separate file, with the following data:
  4. Title of the work in the language of the text and in English;
  5. Name and title of the author(s), limited to 4 (four) authors per article;
  6. Institutional link of the author(s);
  7. Contact address, telephone and email;
  8. ORCID number of authors;
  9. Information on the events that the study was previously presented;
  10. Thanks to any funding agency.
  11. Submitted articles must contain:
  12. An objective title, in Portuguese and English, without identification of the authors;
  13. An abstract (in the language of the text) with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words, separated into 4 sections, composed and highlighted by the following elements: (i) Objective(s), (ii) Method, (iii) Results or Discussion and (iv) Contributions. The abstract must be followed by three to five keywords;
  14. An abstract, following the same rules as the abstract, followed by three to five Keywords;
  15. The body of the text, followed by its references.
  16. Articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with a minimum of 6,000 and a maximum of 9,000 words.
  17. The pages of the articles must be properly numbered in the lower right corner, typed in a Word or similar text editor, according to the following format:
  18. A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm);
  19. Arial font, size 12;
  20. Line spacing: 1.5;
  21. Paragraph entry: 1.25;
  22. Margins: top 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 2 cm;
  23. Illustrations and tables in Arial font, size 10;
  24. Citations and references must comply with APA (American Psychological Association) rules.
  25. References must be listed at the end of the text in accordance with the norms of the APA (American Psychological Association), with identification of the DOI, revised, in alphabetical order, in font size 12, single spaced and a blank line after each work.
  26. Tables and figures should be included in manuscripts whenever their information makes the text more efficient, without repeating the information already described in the text. They should be self-explanatory.
  27. Tables should show numerical values ​​or textual information arranged in an orderly display of columns and rows. Any other textual demonstration must be characterized as a figure.
  28. Figures must show a flowchart, graph, photograph, drawing or any other illustration or textual representation.
  29. The formatting of tables and figures must follow:
  30. Title: objective and explanatory, mentioning the period, if possible. Avoid generic headings such as “Descriptive statistics” or “Regression models”;
  31. Colors: tables should prioritize Petro and White, figures can use other colors;
  32. Format: editable in Word, Excel or similar;
  33. Font: Arial, size 10;
  34. Caption: include a footer with as much information as possible, especially an explanation of the acronyms that are presented;
  35. Position: in the body of the text, as close as possible to the text that mentions it.
  36. For a better evaluation of the manuscript, we recommend the submission, as a supplementary document and in an unidentified form, of data collection instruments, databases and other documents used to prepare the research, if necessary or required by an editor or evaluator.