Industry 4.0: Features and Potential Impacts on the Internal Environment of Companies




Industry 4.0, Organizational Subsystems, Industrial Revolution, Fourth Revolution


Objective: To analyze the structuring elements of Industry 4.0 and reflect on its potential impacts on the business environment and the internal environment of manufacturing companies, using the approach of organizational subsystems proposed by Guerreiro (1989).

Methodology: This study is characterized as bibliographic and descriptive, focusing on the characteristics of Industry 4.0 and its implications for the internal environment of organizations based on evidence from previous studies.

Results: The fourth industrial revolution is underway, which began at the beginning of the third millennium with the advent of the Internet and has brought changes in the ways of production and in the business models of companies. The study discusses different types of technologies that affect each of the subsystems such as: Institutional Subsystem (beliefs and values of Industry 4.0), Social Subsystem (digital and automation skills, leadership mediated by virtual and augmented reality), Organizational Subsystem (integration of value chain, complex and autonomous structures), Management Subsystem (machine decision-making process, artificial intelligence), Information Subsystem (big data, autonomous systems, cloud computing), Physical-Operational Subsystem (new physical, biological and digital inputs, new productive technologies like autonomous robots, Process Automation, Machine-to-Machine Integrated System and 3D printing).

Contributions: The main contribution of this work is the analysis of the elements of Industry 4.0, as well as the assessment of the impact of this technological and business revolution, in various business subsystems. Complementarily, from an academic perspective, this work can constitute a conceptual platform on the subject to guide future empirical studies.


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How to Cite

Guerreiro, R., Ventura Amaral, J., Tadeu Russo, P., & Magalhães Mucci, D. (2023). Industry 4.0: Features and Potential Impacts on the Internal Environment of Companies. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, 16(3), 092–104/105.