Study Time and Academic Performance: Do the Level of Self-Regulated Learning and Impostor Syndrome Matter?




Self-Regulated Learning, Imposter Syndrome, Study Time


Objective: We investigated the effect of study time on academic performance, mediated by the level of use of self-regulated learning strategies and the imposter syndrome, in undergraduate accounting students.

Method: Our sample consisted of 330 valid questionnaires from undergraduate accounting students from three different federal universities. We analyzed these data through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model.

Results: We found that increasing study time does not imply an increase in academic performance, but only when mediated by the level of use of self-regulated learning strategies. Thus, study time does not directly imply academic performance, but indirectly, since it depends on the student's level of use of self-regulated learning. We also found that the imposter syndrome is not a factor that mediates the relationship between study time and academic performance.

Contributions: We empirically found that the level of use of the self-regulated learning strategy is a factor that causes study time to have a positive impact on academic performance. In addition, we show undergraduate accounting students that for study time to be effective for the purpose of achieving higher academic performance, one must increase one's level of self-regulated learning strategy.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. B. de J., Sousa, A. M. de, & Simão, F. M. (2023). Study Time and Academic Performance: Do the Level of Self-Regulated Learning and Impostor Syndrome Matter?. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting, 16(3), 065–078/079.