Fair Value and True and Fair View: Taxonomy, Axiology, and Teleology of Concepts
Fair Value, True and Fair View, Accounting TheoryAbstract
Objective: To carry out an incursion into the interrelationships of the philosophy of True and Fair View, from a lato sensu perspective, and Fair Value Accounting, from a stricto sensu perspective, by defending the teleological and axiological relationships that exist between its concepts and accounting praxis.
Method: From this perspective, through discourse analysis of the philosophical assumptions of Hegel's Doctrine of Essence and Merleau-Ponty's Nature of Perception, a theoretical essay of a critical-argumentative nature was developed about these interrelations.
Results: With a view to contributing to the debate, the arguments defended culminate in the proposition of a Relational Perception Diagram between TFV, FVA and accounting praxis.
Contributions: The concepts of truth, justice and fidelity have permeated accounting theory and the practice of the accounting profession since its beginnings. In addition to the theoretical debate, its operationalization has given accounting an important role: interpreting and judging assessment data and incorporating them into the financial statements. In this way, the researcher is encouraged to interpret the essence underlying the doctrine of accounting concepts to expand the perceptions inherent to the ways in which they materialize in practice.
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