Do Cultural Controls and Social Media Stimulate Organizational Innovation in Startups?
Cultural Controls, Organizational Innovation, Social Media, StartupsAbstract
Objective: This article examines the role of cultural controls and social media in organizational innovation in startups. Complementarily, it analyzes the possible moderating effect of individual creativity on the relationship between social media and organizational innovation.
Method: A survey was carried out with 110 managers of startups incubated in Brazilian incubators. For the analysis of the data, the technique of structural equation modeling by partial least squares was used.
Results: The results show that cultural controls do not have direct effects on organizational innovation, however, indirect effects are found. In turn, social media proves to play a mediating role in this relationship, in addition to having a direct effect on organizational innovation. In contrast, individual creativity does not show a moderating effect on the relationship between social media and organizational innovation.
Contributions: The findings contribute to the literature by empirically demonstrating possible drivers of organizational innovation, with emphasis on social media, which has been shown to interfere in the magnitude of the relationship between cultural control and organizational innovation and direct effect on organizational innovation. This discovery has important implications for managerial practice in environments that have innovation at the core of their existence, as in the case of startups, since it provides a better understanding of the role of social media in promoting innovation.
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